John worked with the SASHA ministry for about two years and helped to rebuild it. He is willing to help build the necessary support organization for Amy to move forward with her call. All of this will help Amy focus on her mission rather than having to constantly plead for funds. We will also give her the necessary business level of support for a successful ministry. We want to build a strong base of support from GUMC by having Amy recognized as an official part of the ministry team. Part of that will come from some formal compensation plan in coordination with Missions. All of this is under discussion and should be worked out by year end. We will continue to work with 88 classes, members and other groups for in-church fund raising. In addition we will build a not-tor-profit organization to solicit donations from other churches and individuals. Discussions with possible board members with special skill sets have started. Already Germantown Presbyterian is in discussion to see if it would fit in their mission budget. This came at their request as they heard about her ministry through one of our members. Ideas are already popping up! This is exciting. God is at work.
Amy and I want to thank you for your consideration of her ministry as part of GUMC Missions. Truly we are called to carry the Good News to the world and especially minister to those most in need just as Christ did. We can assure you that your committed dollars will be carefully used and stretched and multiplied.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Amy Speake
John Ueleke
September 4, 2018