Dios proveyó regalos para los chicos de una forma inesperada.
God provided gifts for the kids in an unexpected way.
Nuestros chicos desearon tener pollo frito y papas fritas para nuestra fiesta de Navidad! Ellos lo disfrutaron mucho!
Our kid’s wanted to have Fried Chicken and French fries for our Christmas party! They enjoyed it greatly!
Nuestro Niños practican en ingles el alfabeto y su canción favorita "Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y pies"
Our kids practicing the English alphabet and their favorite song-“Head, shoulders, knees and toes!
Todos los chicos aceptaron a Jesús como su Salvador y Señor. Alabamos a Dios porque solo El puede convencer corazones de su necesidad de Él!
All of the kids accepted Jesús as their Savior and Lord! We praise God for only He can convince hearts of their need for Him!
Este día hablamos de la historia de la sanidad de Eneas (Hechos 9:32-33) y ese mismo día les enseñamos la importancia de orar por los enfermos ya que una de las chicas llegó con una alergia en la cara y todos los demás chicos oraron por ella.
Today we talked about the story of the healing of Aeneas (Acts 9:32-33) and that same day we taught them the importance of praying for the sick since one of our girls came with a face allergy and all of the other kids prayed for her.
Hicimos pruebas a nuestros chicos para conocer sus niveles de inglés.
We tested our kids to see their level of English.
Este día tuvimos la oportunidad de traer a nuestros chicos a la red infantil de nuestra iglesia, para que pudieran escuchar las nuevas noticias que Jesús les ama.
Today we had the opportunity of bringing our kids to our church’s monthly kids’ meeting, so that they could hear the good news that Jesus loves them.
A mother called us and told us that her 7 kids and she had nothing to eat. How would you feel if your kids tell you “Mommy, I am hungry,” and you had to look at your kids and say[…]
On March 6, we had our first case of Covid-19, and we started a process of our “limited” quarantine in Costa Rica on March 16, and church, school, food kitchen, and store closings and also firings were happening every moment.[…]
We welcomed the kids, and we prayed for what is happening worldwide about the corona virus. We asked for God’s protection over the affected countries, and afterwards, we prayed for our sponsors so that God would keep them healthy, and[…]
Today, we prayed for safety for everyone, and we talked about what they said in the news about the corona virus. We told the kids that they had to have good hand washing skills, and that they had to sneeze[…]
Today we gave thanks to God for the blessing of coming to Alturas. We gave thanks to God for our sponsors because they are so generous! We ate “pinto” and a little while later we had competitions that included passing[…]