Como una actividad especial, nos reunimos un lunes y martes para compartir con una familia de nuestros patrocinadores que nos vino a visitar. Compartieron con nosotros, nos sirvieron y regalaron camisetas amarillas muy lindas con el logo de Alturas.
Hicieron manualidades que iban perfectamente con el programa que teníamos planeado para ese día. Como ellos no sabían lo que íbamos a planear, vemos la mano de Dios trabajando en la lección en dos países diferentes pero con Sus hijos en un mismo sentir. Gloria a Dios siempre por todo lo que ha hecho y hará!
De verdad que pudimos sentir el amor por nosotros en cada acto que hicieron y se lo agradecimos. Esperamos más visitas como éstas y que Dios los siga bendiciendo abundantemente.
As a special activity, we met Monday and Tuesday to be able to spend time with a family of our sponsors that came to visit us. They shared with us, served us, and gave us very beautiful, yellow shirts with the Alturas logo on it.
They did arts and craythst went perfectly with the program that we had planned for that day. Since they did not know what we had planned for that day, we see God’s hand working on the lesson in 2 different countries, but with His children of one mind. Glory to God always for all that He is doing and has done!
Truly we could feel the love they had for us in every action that they did, and we thanked them. We hope for more visits like these and for God to keep blessing them abundantly.