El día de hoy hicimos una fiesta de navidad junto con otros niños de escasos recursos. Recibimos muchos regalos de parte de nuestros patrocinadores que alegraron nuestros corazones pero muchos de nosotros no íbamos a recibir nada en navidad!
Celebramos que fue un año donde no solo aprendimos mucho ingles, pero sobretodo nos pudimos acercar mas a Dios. Estamos muy agradecidos con cada una de las personas que durante todo el año ha creído en nuestro ministerio.
Dios los Bendiga!
Today we had a Christmas party with other kids that do not have many resources. We received a lot of gifts from our sponsors that made our hearts very happy because many of us would not have received anything for Christmas!
We celebrated that it was a year in which we not only learned a lot of English, but most importantly we could grow closer to God. We are very thankful to each of the people who during the whole year have believed in our ministry.
God bless you!
Hoy hicimos manualidades mientras aprendimos los nombres de los animales de la granja en ingles. Disfrutamos mucho coloreando y recortando cada uno de los dibujos. Cada vez que almorzamos nos sentamos a la mesa como una gran familia y por semana cada uno de nosotros ora por los alimentos.
Today we did arts and crafts while we were learning farm animals in English. We enjoyed coloring and cutting out each one of the drawings. Every time we eat, we sit at the table like a big family and each week one of us prays for our meals.
Hoy la Profe Damaris nos habló del Rey David y como fue una persona conforme al corazón de Dios. Nuestras cocinera "China" (como le decimos de cariño) nos preparó un delicioso almuerzo de spaghetti (en Costa Rica algunos la llaman macarrones con salsa de tomate) y ella nos puso mucho queso como nos gusta! Gracias patrocinadores por esta deliciosa comida!
Today our Profesor Damaris talked to us about King David and how he was a man after God's own heart.
Our cook (whom we affectionately call) "China" prepared a delicious lunch of spaghetti (in Costa Rica some call it macaroni and tomato sauce) and she put a lot of cheese on it like we like! Thank you sponsors for this delicious food!
Hoy recibimos la visita de la Doctora Avila (nuestra nutricionista) quien nos peso' y midió para ver nuestro avance en nutritcion. La Profe Amy nos enseño' frases en ingles que se utilizan diariamente como lavarse los dientes y peinarse. Hoy empezó una niña nueva en nuestra programa.
Today we received a visit from Doctor Avila (our nutritionist) who weighed us and measured us to see our progress in nutrition.
Professor Amy taught us terms in English that are used daily like "brush your teeth" and "comb your hair." Today a new girl was admitted to our program.
Hoy fuimos a nuestras reunión mensual en la iglesia. Nos hablaron de las buenas noticias del evangelio y como compartirlas a los demás.
Cantamos alabanzas a Dios y aprendemos más de Dios. También nos presentaron una obra de teatro que trataba de como el mundo nos quiere llevar al pecado y que solo Jesús tiene las buenas noticias para transformar nuestras vidas.
Today we went to our monthly children's meeting at church. They talked to us about the good news of the gospel and how to share the good news to others.
We sang praises to God and we learned more about God. We also watched a drama that they presented to us about how the world tries to carry us towards sin and that only Jesus has the good news that will transform our lives.
A mother called us and told us that her 7 kids and she had nothing to eat. How would you feel if your kids tell you “Mommy, I am hungry,” and you had to look at your kids and say[…]
On March 6, we had our first case of Covid-19, and we started a process of our “limited” quarantine in Costa Rica on March 16, and church, school, food kitchen, and store closings and also firings were happening every moment.[…]
We welcomed the kids, and we prayed for what is happening worldwide about the corona virus. We asked for God’s protection over the affected countries, and afterwards, we prayed for our sponsors so that God would keep them healthy, and[…]
Today, we prayed for safety for everyone, and we talked about what they said in the news about the corona virus. We told the kids that they had to have good hand washing skills, and that they had to sneeze[…]
Today we gave thanks to God for the blessing of coming to Alturas. We gave thanks to God for our sponsors because they are so generous! We ate “pinto” and a little while later we had competitions that included passing[…]